
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
WebExtensionTileId INT 10 null

The auto incrementing identifier for the Web Extension Tile

WebExtensionControlId INT 10 null
webextensioncontrols.WebExtensionControlId Implied ConstraintR

Maps back to the Web Extension Control that this button extends

TileGuid CHAR 36 null

The Unique Identifier for this tile

TileSizeId INT 10 null

Maps back to the Tile Size that this button uses

NormalTileSourceUrl VARCHAR 2000 null

The url that has the data to populate the normal tile with

NormalTileHeaderUrl VARCHAR 2000 null

The url to navigate to when clicking the header of the tile

MaxTileSourceUrl VARCHAR 2000 null

The url that has the data to populate the max tile with

TileTitle VARCHAR 50 null

The title of the tile

CreatedBy VARCHAR 100 null

The user that first added this item to the system

CreateDate DATETIME 19 null

The DateTime that the user first added this item to the system

UpdatedBy VARCHAR 100 null

The user that last updated this item in the system

UpdateDate DATETIME 19 null

The DateTime that the last update occurred for this record


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc WebExtensionTileId
ControlId Must be unique Asc WebExtensionControlId
