Orphan Tables
BEGIN #Create exception handler DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN #On exception #Get any tables back to their original state ROLLBACK; #Clean up tables DROP TABLE IF EXISTS NonCompliantPatches_OLD; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS NonCompliantPatches_NEW; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ComputerPatchComplianceStats_NEW; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ComputerPatchComplianceStats_OLD; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _tempComputers; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _tempHotfix; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _tempHotfixData; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; #Set isolation level back to default RESIGNAL; #Rethrow exception END; INSERT INTO PatchManagerSettings (`Name`, `UserId`, `Value`) VALUES('LastPatchReportRunStart', 0, NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Value` = NOW(), UserId = 0; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; #Allows selects in a nonlocking fashion. START TRANSACTION; #Create temporary copy of computers to reduce time spent locking computers table. Add column LastPatched for the future CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _tempComputers (INDEX CombinedId (ComputerId, ClientId)) SELECT ComputerId, ClientId, LastContact, IF(WindowsUpdate = '', NULL, IF(WindowsUpdate LIKE '%/%', STR_TO_DATE(WindowsUpdate, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s'), STR_TO_DATE(WindowsUpdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'))) AS LastScanned, STR_TO_DATE('0000-00-00 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS LastPatched FROM Computers; #Now that LastScanned is a DateTime we can easily check for computers that have never had a Windows Update scan UPDATE _tempComputers SET LastScanned = NULL WHERE LastScanned = '1901-01-01 01:01:01'; #Update temp table to have the real LastPatched now that we are not using the computers table. #We do not use _tempHotfix because we need all approval types, not just type 2 UPDATE _tempComputers AS tc JOIN (SELECT ComputerId, MAX(Hotfix.FinishedDate) AS LastPatched FROM Hotfix GROUP BY ComputerId) hf ON hf.ComputerId = tc.ComputerId SET tc.LastPatched = hf.LastPatched; #Create temporary copy of hotfix to reduce time spent locking the hotfix table NOTE: Approved = 2 is used here so we do not need it on anything else CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _tempHotfix SELECT ComputerId, HotfixId, Approved, OS, Installed, Failed FROM hotfix WHERE Approved = 2; #Add the index afterwards to also decrease the time the hotfix table is locked during its initial creation ALTER TABLE `_tempHotfix` ADD INDEX (`ComputerId`, `HotfixId`); #Create temporary copy of hotfix data. We use IsThirdParty=0 here so we do not need to do it on the other queries CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _tempHotfixData ( PRIMARY KEY (`HotFixID`,`OS`), INDEX `Severity` (`Severity`), INDEX `Title` (`Title`), INDEX `CVSS` (`CVSS`) ) SELECT HotfixId, OS, CVSS, Date_Added, KBID, Title, CategoryName, Severity FROM HotfixData WHERE IsThirdParty = 0; ################Patch Compliance Stats######################################### #Create table to hold collected ComputerPatchComplianceStats CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ComputerPatchComplianceStats_NEW LIKE ComputerPatchComplianceStats; TRUNCATE TABLE ComputerPatchComplianceStats_NEW; #Do the insert INSERT INTO ComputerPatchComplianceStats_NEW ( `ComputerId`, `OS`, `TotalApproved`, `Compliance`, `LastScanned`, `LastPatched`, `LastContact`, `NoPatchInventory`, `PendingReboot`, `CriticalInstallCount`, `CriticalFailedCount`, `CriticalNotAttemptedCount`, `ImportantInstallCount`, `ImportantFailedCount`, `ImportantNotAttemptedCount`, `ModerateInstallCount`, `ModerateFailedCount`, `ModerateNotAttemptedCount`, `LowInstallCount`, `LowFailedCount`, `LowNotAttemptedCount`, `UnspecifiedInstallCount`, `UnspecifiedFailedCount`, `UnspecifiedNotAttemptedCount`, `CvssHighInstallCount`, `CvssHighFailedCount`, `CvssHighNotAttemptedCount`, `CvssMediumInstallCount`, `CvssMediumFailedCount`, `CvssMediumNotAttemptedCount`, `CvssLowInstallCount`, `CvssLowFailedCount`, `CvssLowNotAttemptedCount` ) ( SELECT Computers.ComputerID, Hotfix.OS, COUNT(Hotfix.Hotfixid) AS TotalApproved, SUM(Installed) / SUM(IF(Approved = 2, 1, 0)) AS Compliance, Computers.LastScanned AS LastScanned, Computers.LastPatched AS LastPatched, Computers.LastContact, ComputerPatchingStats.NoPatchInventory, ComputerPatchingStats.PendingReboot, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Critical', Hotfix.Installed, 0)) AS CriticalInstallCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Critical', Abs(Hotfix.Failed), 0)) AS CriticalFailedCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Critical', IF(Hotfix.Failed = 0 AND Hotfix.Installed = 0, 1, 0), 0)) AS CriticalNotAttemptedCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Important', Hotfix.Installed, 0)) AS ImportantInstallCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Important', ABS(Hotfix.Failed), 0)) AS ImportantFailedCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Important', IF(Hotfix.Failed = 0 AND Hotfix.Installed = 0, 1, 0), 0)) AS ImportantNotAttemptedCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Moderate', Hotfix.Installed, 0)) AS ModerateInstallCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Moderate', ABS(Hotfix.Failed), 0)) AS ModerateFailedCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Moderate', IF(Hotfix.Failed = 0 AND Hotfix.Installed = 0, 1, 0), 0)) AS ModerateNotAttemptedCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Low', Hotfix.Installed, 0)) AS LowInstallCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Low', ABS(Hotfix.Failed), 0)) AS LowFailedCount, SUM(IF(Severity = 'Low', IF(Hotfix.Failed = 0 AND Hotfix.Installed = 0, 1, 0), 0)) AS LowNotAttemptedCount, SUM(IF(Severity = '', Hotfix.Installed, 0)) AS UnspecifiedInstallCount, SUM(IF(Severity = '', ABS(Hotfix.Failed), 0)) AS UnspecifiedFailedCount, SUM(IF(Severity = '', IF(Hotfix.Failed = 0 AND Hotfix.Installed = 0, 1, 0), 0)) AS UnspecifiedNotAttemptedCount, SUM(IF(CVSS >= 7.0, Hotfix.Installed, 0)) AS CvssHighInstallCount, SUM(IF(CVSS >= 7.0, ABS(Hotfix.Failed), 0)) AS CvssHighFailedCount, SUM(IF(CVSS >= 7.0, IF(Hotfix.Failed = 0 AND Hotfix.Installed = 0, 1, 0), 0)) AS CvssHighNotAttemptedCount, SUM(IF(CVSS >= 4.0 AND CVSS < 7.0, Hotfix.Installed, 0)) AS CvssMediumInstallCount, SUM(IF(CVSS >= 4.0 AND CVSS < 7.0, ABS(Hotfix.Failed), 0)) AS CvssMediumFailedCount, SUM(IF(CVSS >= 4.0 AND CVSS < 7.0, IF(Hotfix.Failed = 0 AND Hotfix.Installed = 0, 1, 0), 0)) AS CvssMediumNotAttemptedCount, SUM(IF(CVSS < 4.0, Hotfix.Installed, 0)) AS CvssLowInstallCount, SUM(IF(CVSS < 4.0, ABS(Hotfix.Failed), 0)) AS CvssLowFailedCount, SUM(IF(CVSS < 4.0, IF(Hotfix.Failed = 0 AND Hotfix.Installed = 0, 1, 0), 0)) AS CvssLowNotAttemptedCount FROM _tempComputers AS Computers JOIN ComputerPatchingStats ON Computers.ComputerID = ComputerPatchingStats.ComputerID JOIN _tempHotfix AS Hotfix ON Hotfix.ComputerID = Computers.ComputerID JOIN _tempHotfixData AS HotfixData ON HotfixData.HotfixId = Hotfix.HotfixId AND HotfixData.OS = Hotfix.OS GROUP BY ComputerID ); #If data was successfully collected by query, go ahead and rename the table RENAME TABLE ComputerPatchComplianceStats TO ComputerPatchComplianceStats_OLD; #Rename the new table to the proper name RENAME TABLE ComputerPatchComplianceStats_NEW TO ComputerPatchComplianceStats; ################Non Compliant Patches######################################### #Create table to hold collected NonCompliantPatches info CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS NonCompliantPatches_NEW LIKE NonCompliantPatches; TRUNCATE TABLE NonCompliantPatches_NEW; #Gather non compliant patch info into temp table INSERT INTO NonCompliantPatches_NEW ( `ClientID`, `HotfixID`, `OS`, `KBID`, `Title`, `CategoryName`, `Severity`, `CvssScore`, `ReleaseDate`, `TotalInstalled`, `TotalFailed`, `TotalNotAttempted` ) ( SELECT Computers.ClientID, Hotfix.HotfixID, Hotfix.OS, HotfixData.KBID, HotfixData.Title, HotfixData.CategoryName, IF(HotfixData.Severity = '', 'Unspecified', HotfixData.Severity) AS Severity, HotfixData.CVSS AS CvssScore, HotfixData.Date_Added AS ReleaseDate, SUM(Hotfix.Installed) AS TotalInstalled, SUM(ABS(Hotfix.Failed)) AS TotalFailed, SUM(IF(NOT Hotfix.Failed AND NOT Hotfix.Installed, 1, 0)) AS TotalNotAttempted FROM _tempComputers AS Computers JOIN _tempHotfix AS Hotfix USING (ComputerId) JOIN _tempHotfixData AS HotfixData ON hotfix.HotfixID = HotfixData.HotfixID AND hotfix.OS = HotfixData.OS GROUP BY Computers.ClientID, Hotfix.HotfixID, Hotfix.OS HAVING SUM(IF(NOT installed, 1, 0)) > 0 ); #If data was successfully collected by query, go ahead and rename the table RENAME TABLE NonCompliantPatches TO NonCompliantPatches_OLD; #Rename the new table to the proper name RENAME TABLE NonCompliantPatches_NEW TO NonCompliantPatches; COMMIT; #Clean up temp and unneaded tables DROP TABLE IF EXISTS NonCompliantPatches_OLD; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS NonCompliantPatches_NEW; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ComputerPatchComplianceStats_NEW; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ComputerPatchComplianceStats_OLD; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _tempComputers; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _tempHotfix; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _tempHotfixData; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; #Set isolation level back to default END