
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
WebExtensionId INT 10 null
extensionclaimtypes.WebExtensionId Implied ConstraintR
webextensioncontrols.WebExtensionId Implied ConstraintR

The auto incrementing identifier of the Web Extension

ExtensionSolutionId INT 10 null
extensionsolutions.ExtensionSolutionId Implied ConstraintR

Maps back to the ExtensionSolution table and indicates this Web Extension is a part of that solution

ExtensionStatusId INT 10 0
extensionstatuses.ExtensionStatusId Implied ConstraintR

Maps back to the ExtensionStatus table and indicates what status this extension is in

WebExtensionGuid CHAR 36 null
webextensionusers.WebExtensionGuid Implied ConstraintR

The GUID of this Web Extension

WebExtensionName VARCHAR 100 null

The name of this Web Extension

Author VARCHAR 100 null

The author of this Web Extension

Description VARCHAR 500 null

The full description of this Web Extension

Version VARCHAR 20 null

The version of this Web Extension

FileUrl VARCHAR 500 null

The URL to download the Web Extension as a zip file with all its contents descripbing the Web Extension

Filename VARCHAR 200 null

The filename of the file sent as a zip file upon installing into the system

FileCheckSum VARCHAR 500 null

The checksum of the file that was sent to be installed into the system

HasStaticFiles BIT 1 b'0'

Whether this Web Extension file contains a StaticFiles.zip file inside it

HasGraphFiles BIT 1 b'0'

Whether this Web Extension file contains a GraphFiles.zip file inside it

IsCoreExtension BIT 1 b'0'

Whether this Web Extension is a core WebExtension

CreatedBy VARCHAR 100 null

The user that first added this item to the system

CreateDate DATETIME 19 null

The DateTime that the user first added this item to the system

UpdatedBy VARCHAR 100 null

The user that last updated this item in the system

UpdateDate DATETIME 19 null

The DateTime that the last update occured for this record

Source BIT 1 b'0'

Whether or not the web extension is installed from the extension manager


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc WebExtensionId
ExtensionSolutionId Performance Asc ExtensionSolutionId
ExtensionStatusId Performance Asc ExtensionStatusId
WebExtensionGuid Must be unique Asc WebExtensionGuid
