
6 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
ServerId INT 10 null

The primary key for the server that is reporting in. Foreign Key to the lt_servers table.

ServerServiceId INT 10 null

Identifies the Automate application that is reporting the information. Foreign Key to lt_serverservices table.

LoadingOnlyTrustedPlugins TINYINT 3 null

Indicates whether or not the Trusted Plugins feature is enabled.

EmittingVerboseLogs TINYINT 3 null

Indicates whether or not the Trusted Plugins feature is emitting verbose logs.

ValidatingRevocationStatus TINYINT 3 null

Indicates whether or not the Trusted Plugins feature is checking for revoked certificates.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc/Asc ServerId + ServerServiceId

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