Orphan Tables
proc_label: BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE extradataID INT; DECLARE extradataname VARCHAR(254); DECLARE basetablename VARCHAR(30); DECLARE pkey VARCHAR(100); DECLARE pkeyalias VARCHAR(30); DECLARE pname VARCHAR(100); DECLARE pnamecreate VARCHAR(1000); DECLARE tempTableName VARCHAR(100); DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT ID, NAME FROM extrafield WHERE Form = FID; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; -- This procedure is special and needs a higher group_contact_max_len. Set it here for the session. SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 10000000; -- Before declaring the cursor, let's set the variables that change based upon what FID/Form we're scanning against. -- pkey is the primary key of the newly created table, and pname is the name column we use to identify the 2nd column in the table. -- SPECIAL CASE! Tickets does not have a pname. This has an exception later. CASE WHEN VName = 'Computers' OR VName = 'Probe' THEN SET pkey = 'computerid'; SET pname = 'name'; SET basetablename = 'Computers'; WHEN VName = 'Locations' THEN SET pkey = 'locationid'; SET pname = 'name'; SET basetablename = 'Locations'; WHEN VName = 'Clients' THEN SET pkey = 'clientid'; SET pname = 'name'; SET basetablename = 'Clients'; WHEN VName = 'NetDevice' THEN SET pkey = 'id'; SET pname = 'name'; SET basetablename = 'NetworkDevices'; WHEN VName = 'Tickets' THEN SET pkey = 'id'; SET basetablename = 'Tickets'; WHEN VName = 'Groups' THEN SET pkey = 'groupid'; SET pname = 'name'; SET basetablename = 'MasterGroups'; END CASE; -- Define Ticket's exception for the create table statement below. CASE WHEN VName <> 'Tickets' THEN SELECT CONCAT(' `', pname, '` VARCHAR(50),', CHAR(10)) INTO pnamecreate; ELSE SELECT '' INTO pnamecreate; END CASE; -- Create a temporary table name SELECT CONCAT('`v_extradata_swap-',UUID(),'`') INTO tempTableName; -- Dynamically build the query that creates the table for us. -- Temporary table will hold the new data until it is ready to be quickly swapped -- Give Tickets it's special exception here. SELECT CONCAT('Create table ', tempTableName, ' (', pkey, ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' primary key,', CHAR(10), pnamecreate, GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT(' `', NAME, '` longtext not null' ) SEPARATOR ', ' ), ') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;' ) FROM extrafield WHERE Form = FID INTO @createstatement; -- Recreate the table and wipe the create statement. PREPARE stmtcreate FROM @createstatement; EXECUTE stmtcreate; IF VName ='Computers' THEN CALL v_ExtraDataRefreshComputers(tempTableName); SELECT CONCAT('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `v_extradata', VName, '`;') INTO @dropstatement; PREPARE stmtdrop FROM @dropstatement; EXECUTE stmtdrop; BEGIN -- Possible for target table to exist in a race condition between two running instances. If this happens, clean up and carry on. DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR 1050, SQLSTATE '42S01' -- Both are for 'ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR' BEGIN SELECT CONCAT('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ', tempTableName ,';') INTO @droptempstatement; PREPARE stmtdroptemp FROM @droptempstatement; EXECUTE stmtdroptemp; END; SELECT CONCAT('RENAME TABLE ', tempTableName, ' TO `v_extradata', VName, '`;') INTO @renamestatements; PREPARE stmtrename FROM @renamestatements; EXECUTE stmtrename; SET @renamestatements = ''; LEAVE proc_label; END; END IF; SET @createstatement = ''; OPEN cur1; REPEAT FETCH cur1 INTO extradataID, extradataname; -- Insert the data. CASE WHEN VName IN ('Locations', 'Clients', 'Probe', 'Groups') THEN SELECT CONCAT('INSERT IGNORE INTO ', tempTableName, ' (`', pkey, '`, `', pname, '`, `', extradataname, '`)', ' SELECT `', pkey, '`, `', pname, '`, ', 'IFNULL(`efd`.`Value`, IFNULL(`efd2`.`Value`, '')) as `', extradataname, '` ', 'from `', basetablename, '` `src` ', 'left join `ExtraFieldData` `efd` on `efd`.`ID`=`src`.`', pkey, '` and `efd`.`extrafieldid`=', extradataID, ' ', 'left join `ExtraFieldData` `efd2` on `efd2`.`ID` = 0 and `efd2`.`extrafieldid`=', extradataID, ' ', 'Group by `src`.`', pkey, '` ', 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `', extradataname, '`=VALUES(`', extradataname, '`);') INTO @datastatement; WHEN VName = 'Tickets' THEN SELECT CONCAT('INSERT IGNORE INTO ', tempTableName, ' (`', pkey, '`, `', extradataname, '`)', ' SELECT `TicketID`, ', 'IFNULL(`efd`.`Value`, IFNULL(`efd2`.`Value`, '')) as `', extradataname, '` ', 'from `', basetablename, '` `src` ', 'left join `ExtraFieldData` `efd` on `efd`.`ID`=`src`.`TicketID` and `efd`.`extrafieldid`=', extradataID, ' ', 'left join `ExtraFieldData` `efd2` on `efd2`.`ID` = 0 and `efd2`.`extrafieldid`=', extradataID, ' ', 'Group by `src`.`TicketID` ', 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `', extradataname, '`=VALUES(`', extradataname, '`);') INTO @datastatement; WHEN VName = 'NetDevice' THEN SELECT CONCAT('INSERT IGNORE INTO ', tempTableName, ' (`', pkey, '`, `', pname, '`, `', extradataname, '`)', ' SELECT `deviceid`, `', pname, '`, ', 'IFNULL(`efd`.`Value`, IFNULL(`efd2`.`Value`, '')) as `', extradataname, '` ', 'from `', basetablename, '` `src` ', 'left join `ExtraFieldData` `efd` on `efd`.`ID`=`src`.`deviceid` and `efd`.`extrafieldid`=', extradataID, ' ', 'left join `ExtraFieldData` `efd2` on `efd2`.`ID` = 0 and `efd2`.`extrafieldid`=', extradataID, ' ', 'Group by `src`.`deviceid` ', 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `', extradataname, '`=VALUES(`', extradataname, '`);') INTO @datastatement; END CASE; PREPARE stmtinsert FROM @datastatement; EXECUTE stmtinsert; SET @datastatement = ''; UNTIL done END REPEAT; -- Dynamically build the drop table statement. SELECT CONCAT('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `v_extradata', VName, '`;') INTO @dropstatement; PREPARE stmtdrop FROM @dropstatement; EXECUTE stmtdrop; SET @dropstatement = ''; -- Rename the previously built temptable, hopefully quick enough to avoid race conditions with other threads BEGIN -- Possible for target table to exist in a race condition between two running instances. If this happens, clean up and carry on. DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR 1050, SQLSTATE '42S01' -- Both are for 'ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR' BEGIN SELECT CONCAT('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ', tempTableName ,';') INTO @droptempstatement; PREPARE stmtdroptemp FROM @droptempstatement; EXECUTE stmtdroptemp; END; SELECT CONCAT('RENAME TABLE ', tempTableName, ' TO `v_extradata', VName, '`;') INTO @renamestatements; PREPARE stmtrename FROM @renamestatements; EXECUTE stmtrename; SET @renamestatements = ''; END; CLOSE cur1; END