Orphan Tables
BEGIN -- temp table CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tgroup (KEY (`pri`)) SELECT m2.groupid AS pri, m.groupid FROM mastergroups m, mastergroups m2 WHERE m.groupid=m2.groupid OR FIND_IN_SET(m.groupid,m2.children); -- temp table for computer data CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tcomputer (KEY (`pri`,`ComputerId`)) SELECT DISTINCT tgroup.pri, s.computerid FROM tgroup JOIN subgroups s USING(groupid); -- computer data to remove. DELETE swc FROM subgroupwchildren swc LEFT JOIN tcomputer AS v ON swc.groupid=v.pri AND swc.computerid=v.computerid WHERE v.pri IS NULL AND v.computerid IS NULL; -- computer data to add INSERT INTO subgroupwchildren (GroupID, ComputerID) SELECT v.pri, v.computerid FROM subgroupwchildren swc RIGHT JOIN tcomputer AS v ON swc.groupid= v.pri AND swc.computerid = v.computerid WHERE swc.groupid IS NULL AND swc.computerid IS NULL; -- remove temp table DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tcomputer; -- temp table for contact data CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tcontact (KEY (`pri`,`contactId`)) SELECT DISTINCT tgroup.pri, s.contactid FROM tgroup JOIN subgroupscontacts s USING(groupid); -- contacts data to remove DELETE swcc FROM subgroupwchildrencontacts swcc LEFT JOIN tcontact AS v ON swcc.groupid=v.pri AND swcc.contactid=v.contactid WHERE v.pri IS NULL AND v.contactid IS NULL; -- contacts data to add INSERT INTO subgroupwchildrencontacts (GroupId, ContactId) SELECT v.pri, v.contactid FROM subgroupwchildrencontacts swcc RIGHT JOIN tcontact AS v ON swcc.groupid=v.pri AND swcc.contactid=v.contactid WHERE swcc.groupid IS NULL AND swcc.contactid IS NULL; -- remove temp table DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tcontact; -- temp table for network device data CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tnetwork (KEY (`pri`,`deviceId`)) SELECT DISTINCT tgroup.pri, s.deviceid FROM tgroup JOIN subgroupsnetworkdevices s USING(groupid); -- network device data to remove DELETE swcnd FROM subgroupwchildrennetworkdevices swcnd LEFT JOIN tnetwork AS v ON swcnd.groupid=v.pri AND swcnd.deviceid=v.deviceid WHERE v.pri IS NULL AND v.deviceid IS NULL; -- network device data to add INSERT INTO subgroupwchildrennetworkdevices (GroupId, DeviceId) SELECT v.pri, v.deviceid FROM subgroupwchildrennetworkdevices swcnd RIGHT JOIN tnetwork AS v ON swcnd.groupid=v.pri AND swcnd.deviceid=v.deviceid WHERE swcnd.groupid IS NULL AND swcnd.deviceid IS NULL; -- remove temp table DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tnetwork; -- remove initial temp table DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tgroup; END